Red Adept Editing

Meet Emma Rider!

Emma Rider  What made you choose Red Adept Editing?

 I was on the second draft of my manuscript and in need of an editor. So I asked around, and JB Salsbury led me to RAE. I checked it out, and the Premier Package was exactly what I was looking for, so I signed up.


You have used Jessica for content editing and Angela for line editing. What did you enjoy about working with them?

Jessica gave it all to me honestly, and that’s exactly what I needed to improve the overall quality of my story. She had really good insight and even researched some medical facts for me to make my story appear more realistic.

Angela handled everything like a champ. She was accommodating to my needs and very precise in my work. She was very informative in the phone call, telling me exactly what she changed and giving me options based on my writing preferences. She also taught me some things to look out for in the future. This made her one of the best editors I had to work with.

Most writers are concerned about editors changing their voice; however, this was not the case. Both editors enhanced and helped my voice. They were both great, and at the end of the process, I felt confident in my manuscript.


What’s your favorite part of writing romance?

 I grew up reading romance since I was fourteen. I snuck my mom’s books to my room and read them in a day. I fell in love with the genre. I went to college, earned a bachelor’s degree, and picked every class I could think of that would help me in this career. So I would say everything in writing romance is my favorite part. This is my dream, and I’m so happy that I can write for a living. Reading made me happy, and so writing today makes me happy. And I hope my story will make people smile, laugh, hold their breath in suspense, and overall feel good about the romance.


What part of self-publishing do you enjoy the most?

I’ve only ever self-published, so I don’t know how it would be with a publisher. I’d love to cross that bridge later in the future, just for the experience. The part I love right now, though, is being able to choose my editors, my cover designer, and my formatter—I am lucky to have found such talented people for all of these. A big relief for me is I don’t have to completely stress on deadlines.


You just released Want. Tell us a little about that.

I just released Want, an MMA Fighter Romance about a professional cuddler and an MMA fighter. I came up with the idea when I saw an article about professional cuddling on social media one day. A thought came to me: what kind of trouble would a professional cuddler come into, especially when a protective alpha hero comes into the picture? In the book, I introduce two other alpha heroes, billionaire Jase and motorcycle club VP Maverick. These two will also have books in the future.

Old pic of mma


You have some pretty steamy covers. Who does your cover work?

 I’ve designed most of them myself. I love to dabble in graphic design. I’ve designed my covers, teasers, and some banners. I also design book trailers. This is all time consuming, and I’d rather be writing more. But when I’m taking a break, I do all this for fun.

Kellie at Book Cover by Design designed the cover, 3D cover, and Facebook banner for Want. She has an amazing talent.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

When I’m not at my computer, I can be found practicing martial arts while rock music is vibrating off the walls, photographing my two standard poodles, or making book swag while watching the TV show of the month. I also write comics, then my sister draws them.Poodlespoodle


What advice would you give to a new author?

I can probably say a lot of things, but new authors probably have already heard them. So I’m going to say something that any author can take. I’ve seen authors obsess over their bad reviews. At one time, I was even guilty of that. If you find yourself with a bad review—don’t let it get you down. Not everyone will like your story. Here’s an exercise: Go to your favorite book in the world and start reading the reviews. How can people rate it one star? The author is a genius; her/his book was amazing! While you love it, it might not be someone else’s flavor. Same goes for your story.

Also, don’t write for money. Write because you love it.

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