Red Adept Editing

Anna Barker

May Featured Author

What made you choose Red Adept Editing?

It was recommended by my mentor, Cristin Harber.

You’ve worked with Neila. What did you enjoy most about working with her?

She is down-to-earth and approachable, and she understands my genre and style.  She is extremely professional and easy to work with.  We clicked immediately.

What inspired you to start a writing career?

I have been writing social media posts and some short fan stories on Facebook for a while. People began to encourage me to write, and Cristin Harber invited me to write for a project of hers. With so much encouragement, I felt that if I was ever going to do it, now was the time.

Do you have a favorite place or time of day to write?

Not really. I wish that I could telepathically write from my car or in the shower, since that seems to be when I get really good ideas!

Do you like to plan before you write? Or do you prefer to start and see where the story goes?

I plan, for the most part. At least, in my head. Then I just let it go.  Sometimes I stick with the plan; sometimes the story completely surprises me.

What part of self-publishing do you enjoy the most?

The control of my own fate.

You have some great covers. Who does your cover work?

Kim Killion and The Killion Group

What do you do when you’re not writing?

I have a day job. I also read and enjoy my family as much as humanly possible.

What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever been given?

Put your ass in the chair and write.

Where can readers find you?




Facebook reader group:  Romance With An Edge – Anna Barker’s Reader Group, Fan Club & Tiki Bar



Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.comAnnaBishopBarker