Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Choose a package or an a la carte service:
Packages: —Please choose an option—Full PolishPremierSweetheartCameoGoldSilverPearlEmeraldOnyx
A la Carte Services: —Please choose an option—Copy EditOne-Pass Line EditDeluxe Line EditContent EditBeta ReadProofread
Book Title:
When will your manuscript be ready for editing? (If your manuscript is ready now, just put today's date.) (Note: Proofreads may not be scheduled in advance.)
Estimated Word Count
—Please choose an option—Under 40,000 wordsBetween 40,000 and 90,000 wordsBetween 90,000 and 150,000 wordsOver 150,000 words
What genre is your book?
Book Description (Short paragraph about your book):
Please indicate the level of each of the following that your novel contains:
Sex: —Please choose an option—No SexFade to Black (Mentions and Implications)Detailed (Harlequin: No Graphic Language)Graphic (Strong Sexual Language)Erotica
Violence: —Please choose an option—NoneLightGraphic (blood, guts, and gore)
Language: —Please choose an option—No CursingLight Adult LanguageGraphic Adult Language
Please let us know if your book has any specific potentially offensive content, such as rape, animal abuse, or child abuse:
Would you like to spend some of your Red Points? (To redeem for a physical item or a donation, email Lynn)
No$5 off (50 Red Points)$10 off (95 Red Points)$25 off (235 Red Points)$50 off (450 Red Points)$100 off (850 Red Points)
For services that include line or content editing: Would you like to add a one-hour phone call with your editor? ($25.00)
(New clients receive a free phone call with the Full Polish or Premier Package.)
Phone Number: (Outside U.S. - Enter your Skype name)
Even if you don't want the editor call, we would appreciate having your phone number, in case we have any questions about your manuscript. *Note: You will be contacted via email to schedule the call.
For packages that include a proofread: How many additional proofreads would you like? (Adding with your order: $.0012/word )
Returning Clients: Would you like to request a specific editor or proofreader?
If your book is ready, you can upload it here: (Must be title of book and in .doc or .docx format)
By clicking "Send," I certify that I am the author or agent of the attached material and own all rights, or have been given the rights, to said material.
If you have trouble with the form, send an email to